Our Blog

We have a lot to say about marketing and design.

Our experts will keep you up to date on the latest industry news, trends, and insights as you navigate the ever-changing world of marketing and design.

We’re excited to share with you some of what we’ve learned. 

AI is Dumb featured image

AI is Dumb

AI is dumb. We said it. We meant it. Okay, that deserves some explanation. First off, let us say that we do not hate AI. We actually find it quite useful.

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Consumer Decision Journey

The Marketing Funnel vs. The Consumer Decision Journey

Recognizing the inadequacy of the traditional marketing funnel to depict modern decision-making, McKinsey & Company developed the Customer Decision Journey to better describe how today’s consumers research and buy products. It’s is all about reaching consumers in the right place at the right time with the right message.

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Web Design & Development

Do You Know About Our Website Maintenance Retainer?

You’ve got the new website, now what? If it seems like we talk a lot about how websites aren’t static and that they need constant updates, it’s because it’s true. Creating a website is just step one. Maintenance is what will keep your site up to speed and functioning properly.

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Social Media

What your Social Media Manager Wishes You Knew 

You might not realize it, but your social media manager wears many hats every day, from photographer/videographer to strategist, graphic designer, copywriter/editor, and more. While they often make it look effortless, don’t be fooled. It takes quite a bit of effort.

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Social Media

Do I Need To Be on Every Social Media Platform?

It might seem like the best strategy for brand awareness is to create an account on the most popular platforms, but tackling too much too soon could backfire. That’s why we recommend starting with just one or two platforms.

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Graphic Design

The Art of Capital Campaign Design

What makes a successful capital campaign? A critical component is your marketing strategy, which needs to include powerful storytelling, clean and easy-to-navigate landing pages where donors can give, and a convincing call to action.

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Screenshot of Salesforce CRM homepage, one of the options in our nonprofit CRM comparison.

Comparing Four Common CRMs for Nonprofits

Thinking about making the switch to a new customer relationship management (CRM) software? Or perhaps you’re just starting out and debating which one you should choose. The truth is that there are many factors that come into play when deciding which CRM is right for your nonprofit.

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Illustrative featured image graphic demonstrating Marketing Acronyms 101

Marketing Acronyms 101

Marketers use a LOT of acronyms, so we created this cheat sheet to help non-marketers translate our jargon. While the lingo may seem intimidating at first, understanding the basic terminology will enable you to speak the same language as your marketing team, no matter whether they’re in house or at an agency. 

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Graphic Design

Logo Design Tips

You’ve heard about the “Great Resignation,” people reevaluating their lives during the pandemic and quitting their dead-end jobs in droves. As a result of this

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