Why you need to incorporate these fun holidays into your content calendar NOW!

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Scrolling through social media, you’ve probably seen all kinds of crazy, fun holidays being celebrated, from National Coffee Day to Love Your Pet Day! It’s no surprise brands have jumped on these trends.

A whole day to celebrate coffee? You bet Starbucks and Dunkin’ are getting in on that conversation. And that raises the question—should you? We say, yes—so long as it makes sense for your business.

Hopping on trending holidays is just another way your brand can increase its reach. By using trending hashtags and keywords, the odds are ever in your favor that the all-powerful algorithm will show your post to more people.

And as we all know, that’s critical for reaching beyond your existing audience.

It’s also a great way to show off your brand’s fun side and potentially generate interest in your company/organization if it perfectly aligns with the holiday (think a free scoop of ice cream on National Ice Cream Day.)

Now, that’s a sweet deal!


Swifty Bowl


There are SO many holidays. Which do I choose to celebrate?

There are a million (probably more) “national day” holidays out there, so you’re most likely wondering which to celebrate. We recommend partaking in holidays that align with your brand and those in which you have something to offer your audience. In short, what are you contributing to the conversation?

A laugh, a deal, advice? It doesn’t need to be a freebie, but you should make sure you’re bringing something to the table.

After all, it might be the first time someone will interact with your brand, and first impressions are important. But don’t let that keep you from having fun!

Plenty of people on social media love watching brands get in on trendy celebrations, from Swifty Bowl to Pi Day. Get creative, have fun, and start a conversation. Brands that aren’t afraid to whip up a snappy comeback, poke fun at themselves, or be a little goofy, build real connections with audiences.

That said, brands should be careful not to go overboard. Strategically choose holidays that tie in with your business and make sense to celebrate. Don’t feel like you have to post about EVERY holiday or you’ll turn off your followers.

People want brands that are authentic, and what’s more genuine than having a little fun?


International Womens Day social media post


Here are a few of our favorite holidays to get you started:


National Opposite Day (January 25)

Breakfast for dinner? Museum after dark? Switch it up!


Go Texan Day (Friday before Rodeo Houston)

If you’re a Houston organization, this Texas-sized, rodeo-themed takeover is a MUST.


Galentine’s Day (February 13)

Thank you, Leslie Knope and Parks and Rec, for the holiday we never knew we needed.


National Pizza Day (February 9)

You wanna pizza of us? We couldn’t resist! And neither should you. Join in on the fun!


International Women’s Day (March 8)

Who runs the world? Girls! Craft a post that would make our H-Town Queen proud.


Pi Day (March 14)

We can think of 3. 14159265 reasons why your brand should partake.


April Fools’ Day (April 1)

Jokesters unite! Unveil a “new” logo, announce a hilarious “new” product…the world is yours to fool.


Earth Day (April 22)

It’s 2024. Sustainability is kind of a big deal. How are you protecting the planet?


Star Wars Day (May 4)

May the 4th be with you, my young padawan. Use the force to create an engaging post.


Teacher Appreciation Week (first full week of May)

Thank a teacher, because honestly, they deserve it.


Social Media Day (June 30)

It might seem like every day is social media day today, but this is the official day.


World Chocolate Day (July 7)

Ummm…yummmm! Who doesn’t like chocolate? Indulge in this sweet holiday.


National Ice Cream Day (third Sunday in July)

I scream, you scream, we ALL scream for…. you guessed it—ICE CREAM!


National Whataburger Day (August 8)

Texans understand why this holiday is on the calendar. It’s our native fast food.


Grandparents Day (first Sunday after Labor Day)

Make grandparents feel special with a senior discount or special offer that’ll make their day.


Talk Like a Pirate Day (September 19)

Yo Ho, Yo Ho! A pirate’s life for thee! Savvy?


National Coffee Day (September 29)

Keep your audience caffeinated and happy with memes and deals to celebrate. They’ll thank you a latte!


National Pumpkin Spice Day (October 1)

Pumpkin spice and everything nice. It’s fall in a flavor, and that’s worth celebrating.



National Ugly Holiday Sweater Day (third Friday in December)


Is it really the holidays without ugly sweaters? It’s festive cheer you can wear! Make it even merrier with an ugly sweater competition decided by your followers.


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