Do You Know About Our Website Maintenance Retainer?

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You’ve got the new website, now what?

If it seems like we talk a lot about how websites aren’t static and that they need constant updates, it’s because it’s true. Creating a website is just step one. Maintenance is what will keep your site up to speed and functioning properly.

Let’s face it. The digital landscape is always in flux. Hackers don’t sleep. Laws and policies change. Themes and plugins get updated with all the new bells and whistles. Plus, employees come and go. You’ll periodically need new information about your business added and old information deleted.

It’s never been more important to ensure that your website’s content and security are consistently updated, that your site is SEO optimized (if you want to rank and be searchable), you’re following all laws and regulations (cookies are a great example) and getting the most out of your website.

Here’s the deal. We know there are only so many hours in a day and that you’ve got a LOT on your plate. That’s why we offer a complete website maintenance retainer to manage the day-to-day ins and outs. When you leave the work to us, you have more time to focus on your marketing strategy and all the (million) other things on your to-do list. Here are a few reasons you might want to leave the maintenance to experts (like us!):


Managing your WordPress backend and plugins can be a lot to handle – especially, if you aren’t tech-savvy.

Some people are tech wizards, some of us…not so much. And that’s 100% okay. In fact, that’s why we exist. We’re here to make building and managing a WordPress website easier by taking care of all the technical stuff, so you can focus on running your business.

When you take advantage of our maintenance retainer, you’ll get access to a full team that understands the backend workings of your site. We’ll ensure your site remains secure, that all your plugins stay up to date, and handle any updates or changes for you, so there’s no need to worry about the technical stuff.



Save valuable time by leaving the content updates to us.

Updating content on your website can take quite a bit of time—time you might not have. On our maintenance retainer, we save you time by taking care of content updates for you. Just send us the updates and we’ll make the changes. It’s that easy. That way your team can get back valuable time and rest easy knowing your website is up to date (your site visitors will thank you).


We’ll keep your website super speedy and accessible.

When it comes to websites, there are two things that matter—a LOT. Speed and accessibility might not be the first two things that pop into your mind, but they are super important. If your website doesn’t load fast enough, people will leave. We’ll make sure your website loads quickly so every visitor has a great first impression. We’ll also help you make each site guest feel welcome by keeping your website accessible (so very important today).


When (not if) something happens, we’ll handle the situation quickly, so your site is back up in no time.

Things happen. Even the best sites, managed by the best teams, face challenges. BUT, if you’re on our maintenance retainer, you won’t have to worry. We’ll handle it ASAP (did it even happen?). We’ll routinely monitor your site’s performance, back up your site, and make sure all plugins are updated and functioning properly. Additionally, we’ll take care of any theme updates and optimize your site to ensure everything runs smoothly.


Prefer to self-manage? Our team provides the training and tools for you to take the helm.

Our team will show you how to manage your site, step by step! After all, we always want all our clients to have the DIY option when it comes to website maintenance. We have plenty of tutorials and resources to train your team, so they’ll be equipped to self-manage after we hand off the site.

However, we strongly recommend our maintenance plan if you foresee employee transitions, don’t have the proper amount of time to invest in site maintenance, or don’t feel ready to shoulder the technical stuff. No matter what you decide, our team is always here to offer support and guidance!

Not sure what option is best for you? Schedule a FREE consult to determine the best plan of action for your team.

Schedule a Free Consultation Today!

Padron & Co. is a leading creative, marketing, and digital communications agency that helps nonprofits and corporations make meaningful connections and further their missions.

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